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Valentine's Cards

Every Monday, I sit down to plan out my week—what I need to do, in what order, and so on. As these things often go, I ended up browsing Reddit and came across a post featuring some custom Valentine's Day cards. The creator had made cards tailored to their industry, and I thought it was a fantastic idea. I decided to create my own and made them intentionally cheesy to avoid any awkward moments at the office.

Each image below links to a high-resolution version, which is best suited for printing. I printed mine on 80lb cardstock and trimmed them with an X-Acto paper cutter; they turned out great! I know the bottom part of the cards is black, which means most pens won’t work on it. To address this, I also made a black-on-white version of each card. To access these, simply add _bw before .png in the file name.

DDOS Jolt Packet Capture
Pop Shells Phishing Blue Team
RockYou Ransomware PGP
Whitelist 0-Days
Heart Traversal RISC
Null Byte